Yoga & Fitness
Class Descriptions
Yoga in the Park:
For those of you who want to stay connected to the outdoors or just feel a little safer outside right now. This class will be taking place outside in one of our local downtown Scottsville parks. This class is for all levels and is intended to bring you both relaxation and invigoration. Explore your strength, balance, and capacity to still the mind all while raising your vibration. A great way to spend your lunch hour or to just get outside for the day. Please bring your own mat and water. Although this class is outdoors we will recommend that safe social distancing is practiced during class. Adina Wall - Instructor
Use coupon code: 15%OFF-4WEEKS to get 15% off for paying for one month at once. Or pay for unlimited classes for $90.
One Month Unlimited Classes for $90
Start Where You Are Yoga:
A six-week course designed for people who are new or returning to Hatha and Raja Yoga practice. This class will incorporate basic sequences, breathing exercises and meditation techniques. The emphasis is simply showing up to work gently and compassionately with your mind and body, no matter where you’re starting from. Suitable for all levels. This class will start Saturday March 20th and will run every Saturday at 9:00am for 6 weeks. This class is held inside the studio so you will be REQUIRED to wear a face mask the entire time even during class. Nicole D., the instructor, is fully vaccinated at this time.Use coupon code: 15%OFF6-WEEKS to get 15% off for paying for all 6 weeks at once.
Dance Fusion:
A dance-inspired workout that's great exercise but feels more like a dance party. Cardio and toning elements are "fused" into easy-to-follow dance moves set to your favorite songs! This class is for all levels and will be done outside under the lights and fans of the Scottsville Pavilion. Although this class is outdoors we will recommend that safe social distancing is practiced during class. This class starts March 17th and will run every Wednesday evening from 6:30-7:45 under the Farmer’s Market Pavilion in downtown Scottsville. Hope to see you there. Please click the link below to pre-register for classes. Although this class is outdoors we will recommend that safe social distancing is practiced during class.
Use coupon code: 15%OFF4-WEEKS to get 15% off for paying for 4 weeks at once.
Sweat It Out Saturday
This is a fitness class where you will workout with a variety of HITT, Cardio, weight lifting, & strength training. The instructor - Morgan S. will cater each work out to what the students want to focus on. This is a work out class so be prepared to work hard. This class will start March 20th and will run every Saturday @ 11:00am every Saturday. This class is inside the studio so you will be required to wear a face mask while walking around the building and before and after class.
Use coupon Code: 15%OFF-6WEEKS to get a 15% discount for paying for all 6 weeks at once.